How to solve when premiere pro relink is slow on Synology NAS영상편집(videos)/preimere pro 2024. 7. 6. 16:14728x90반응형SMALL
Another editor's relinking takes too long time
When you trying to relink premiere pro from original edit using Synology nas it takes over 30mins ~ 3hours depending on how big your original project. It seems no missing files neither errors. I also kept searching for the answer but i couldn't find on Google. BUT I MADE IT.
1. Check the directory root
There is same two folder name [영상제작팀] which is having same location. BUT IT IS NOT SAME.
2. NAS Ip vs Nas name you set
I've find it out that the way of display NAS paths in the folder was different.
First one is not a English name I've set after i loged in NAS at network folder, it shows English name directory.
3. Log in to your NAS server
Double click your nas and log in than you can find English named directory which is same with original editor.
Hope you can solve the slow relinking problem in premiere pro.
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